How to Make a Bead Keychain
How to Make a Bead Keychain

1. String the beads of your choice onto the beading wire. 2. Make a loop at one end of the wire, and thread on a jump ring. 3. Continue stringing beads until you have reached your desired length.

4. Make another loop at the other end of the wire, and thread on another jump ring. 5. Attach your keyring to one of the jump rings, and enjoy your new keychain!

  • Decide what beads you want to use for your keychain
  • You can use any type of bead, including plastic, glass, or metal beads
  • String the beads onto a length of beading wire or thread
  • Make sure to leave enough room at the end of the wire so that you can attach a key ring
  • Tie a knot in the end of the wire to secure the beads in place
  • Trim any excess wire from the ends of the keychain
  • Attach a key ring to one end of the keychain using a jump ring or split ring pliers

How to Make Beaded Keychains With Tassels

How to Make Beaded Keychains With Tassels Adding tassels to keychains is a fun way to personalize them and make them unique. You can use any type of beads you like, as well as different colors and styles of tassels.

Here’s how to make beaded keychains with tassels: 1. Gather your supplies. For this project, you will need keychain rings, beads, tassel strands, needle nose pliers, wire cutters, and clear glue.

2. Decide on the design for your keychain. You can string the beads onto the ring in any pattern or order that you like. Experiment with different designs until you find one that you love.

3. Start stringing the beads onto the keychain ring. Once all of the beads are in place, use needle nose pliers to clasp the end of the wire securely closed. Trim off any excess wire with wire cutters.

How to Make a Keychain With Beads And String

Making a keychain with beads and string is easy and only requires a few materials. You will need: -Beads (I like to use glass beads, but any type will work)

-String or thread -Scissors -A key ring

1. Begin by threading your string through the first bead. I like to start with a larger bead or one that has a special meaning as it will be at the center of your keychain. 2. Continue threading beads onto the string until you have reached your desired length.

Keep in mind that you’ll need enough space to tie a knot at the end, so leave about 4 inches of slack. 3. Once all of your beads are on the string, tie a double knot at the end to secure them in place. Trim any excess string if necessary.

4. Slip your key ring through the loop created by the knotted end of the string and voila!

How to Make Beaded Keychains With Names

Are you looking for a fun and unique gift for a friend or family member? Or maybe you just want to make something special for yourself. Either way, beaded keychains with names are perfect!

Not only are they easy and quick to make, but they’re also personal and thoughtful. Here’s how to make your own beaded keychain with a name: 1. Gather your supplies.

You will need beads in the colors of your choice, wire, wire cutters, and a key ring. 2. Cut a piece of wire that is long enough to string all of the beads you need plus an extra inch or two. This extra length will be used to create a loop at the end so that the keychain can be attached to the ring.

3. String the beads onto the wire in the pattern or design of your choice. Make sure to leave enough space at the end of the wire so that you can create a loop (as mentioned in step 2). 4. Once all of the beads are strung, use your wire cutters to trim any excess wire from both ends.

Then, use one end of the wire to create a small loop near where it meets the last bead. Wrap this around several times before snipping off any remaining wire and tucking it in so that it’s hidden inside the wrapped portion (this creates a more polished look). Repeat this step on the other side using the other end of wire so that both sides have loops—this is what will attach your keychain to the ring!

How to Make Pony Bead Keychains

Making your own pony bead keychain is a fun and easy project that you can do with your kids. You’ll need some pony beads, some key rings, and some string or yarn. First, thread the beads onto the string or yarn in any pattern you like.

Then, tie the ends of the string or yarn together to form a loop. Attach the loop to a key ring, and you’re done!

How to Make Native American Beaded Keychains

Making your own beaded keychain is a great way to show your Native American pride! You can use any colors you like to create a unique and personalized design. Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

-Beads (I prefer seed beads for this project) -Key ring -Scissors

-Thread or fishing line 1. Start by threading your beads onto the thread or fishing line. If you’re using multiple colors, I recommend grouping them together in sets of 3-5 beads before moving on to the next color.

This will make it easier to keep track of your pattern as you work. 2. Once all of your beads are strung, tie the two ends of the thread together securely, leaving a long tail.3. Wrap the long tail around the key ring several times, then tie it off again.

Trim any excess thread so that it’s not too bulky.4. That’s it! Your new keychain is ready to use!

How to Make Silicone Bead Keychain

If you’re looking for a fun and easy project to do with your kids, or if you just want to make a unique keychain for yourself, silicone bead keychains are the perfect option! They’re quick and easy to make, and you can customize them however you like. Plus, they make great gifts!

Here’s how to make your own silicone bead keychain: 1. Start by gathering your supplies. You’ll need some silicone beads (you can find these at most craft stores), a key ring, and some strong thread or string.

2. String the beads onto the thread or string, leaving enough space at the end to tie it onto the key ring. You can choose any pattern or design you like – it’s up to you! 3. Once all of the beads are strung on, tie the ends of the thread securely onto the key ring.

Trim any excess thread. And that’s it! Your new silicone bead keychain is ready to use!

How to Make a Bead Keychain


What Do I Need to Make Beaded Keychains?

Assuming you would like a tutorial on how to make beaded keychains: You will need the following materials: -Beads (of your choice)

-Keychain rings -Wire or string -Wire cutters or scissors

Instructions: 1. Start by threading your wire or string through the beads of your choice. You can mix and match colors and shapes to create a unique keychain.

2. Once you have enough beads threaded on, leave a few inches of slack before cutting the wire or string. This extra length will be used to create a loop for attaching the keychain ring. 3. Make a loop at the end of the wire or string by twisting it around twice and then folding it back on itself.

Cut off any excess wire or string so that the loop is about an inch long. 4. To finish, simply slip the keychain ring through the loop and voila! You’ve created a beautiful, one-of-a-kind keychain perfect for gifting (or keeping for yourself).

How Do You Put Beads on a Keychain?

If you want to add beads to a keychain, there are a few different ways that you can do so. One way is to thread the beads onto the keychain itself. This can be done by threading them onto the ring that holds the keys, or by adding them directly to the chain.

Another way is to attach the beads to a jump ring, and then attach the jump ring to the keychain. This gives you more flexibility in terms of how you arrange the beads, and also makes it easier to add or remove beads as needed. Whichever method you choose, make sure that your beads are securely attached so they don’t fall off while you’re using your keychain!

How Do You Make a Bead Wristlet Keychain?

Assuming you would like a tutorial on how to make a bead wristlet keychain, here are the supplies and instructions you will need: Supplies needed: -Beads (You can use any type, shape, or size of beads. It’s fun to mix different colors and shapes together!)

-Key ring (You can find these at most hardware stores) -Jump rings (Again, these can be found at most hardware stores. You will need 2 jump rings for this project) -Wire cutters (To cut the excess wire once your keychain is complete)

-Needle nose pliers (For opening and closing jump rings) -Piece of leather or ribbon (This will be used to tie around your wrist so that your keychain doesn’t fall off) Instructions:

1. String your beads onto the piece of wire. If you are using multiple colors/shapes of beads, play around with the order until you are happy with how it looks. Once you have strung all of your beads onto the wire, leave about 2 inches at the end so that you have enough wire to add a jump ring later on.

2. Take your needle nose pliers and make a small loop at the end of the wire (this loop will eventually go onto your key ring). Make sure that the loop is big enough so that your beads won’t slide off, but not too big that it won’t fit through the hole in your key ring later on. 3. Now take one of your jump rings and thread it through both the loop on the end of your wire AND through the hole in your key ring.

Use your needle nose pliers to gently twist the jump ring closed. 4. Almost done! The last step is to take some leather or ribbon and tie it around your wrist tightly enough so that when you put on your new wristlet keychain, it isn’t going anywhere!

You can adjust how tight or loose you want it based on personal preference – just make sure that it is secure enough so that you don’t lose everything attached to your new wristlet keychain!

How Do You Make Bubblegum Bead Keychains?

Assuming you would like a tutorial on how to make bubblegum bead keychains: You will need the following supplies: -Bubble gum beads (you can find these online or at some craft stores)

-Key ring -Jump rings -Pliers

-Scissors Instructions: 1. String your beads onto the key ring.

You can do this however you’d like – mix and match colors, make patterns, etc. Get creative! 2. Once all of your beads are strung on, use the jump rings to attach the key ring to the ends of the beaded strand.

Use pliers to open and close the jump rings. 3. Trim any excess beading thread or wire, and voila – you’ve got yourself a cute new keychain!

how to make cute beaded keychains!! | tutorial | tiffany_studies


A bead keychain is a great way to show off your personality and style, and they make great gifts! They are super easy to make, and you can use any type of beads that you like. Just string the beads onto some wire or thread, add a clasp, and you’re done!

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