Mala Bracelet How Many Beads
Mala Bracelet How Many Beads

A mala bracelet typically has 27 beads, plus one extra bead called the “sumeru” or “guru” bead. The sumeru bead is considered to be the starting and ending point of the mala, and is not counted when chanting or meditating with the mala.

A mala bracelet is a string of beads that are used in meditation and prayer. Mala bracelets can have anywhere from 10 to 108 beads, but most have around 27. The number of beads on a mala bracelet depends on the purpose for which it is being used.

For example, if you are using your mala bracelet to count mantra during meditation, you might want a bracelet with 108 beads so that you can keep track of how many times you’ve repeated your mantra. If you’re just wearing your mala bracelet as a reminder to stay mindful throughout the day, 27 beads might be enough. Mala bracelets are typically made with semi-precious stones or wood, and each type of bead is said to have different healing properties.

For instance, rosewood is thought to promote self-love and compassion, while amethyst is said to calm the mind and relieve stress. Choose the type of bead that resonates with what you’re hoping to achieve through your practice of meditation and mindfulness.

Mala Bracelet How Many Beads


How Many Beads Should Be in a Bracelet?

When it comes to making bracelets, there is no definitive answer as to how many beads should be used. It really depends on the size and shape of the beads, as well as the desired look of the finished bracelet. For example, if you are using large beads, you may only need a few of them to create a bold and stylish statement piece.

On the other hand, if you are using small beads, you may need several dozen of them to create a more delicate and dainty bracelet. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how many beads to use in your bracelet design.

Which Wrist Do You Wear a Mala Bracelet On?

When it comes to mala bracelets, there is no definitive answer as to which wrist you should wear it on. It is ultimately up to the individual wearer to decide which wrist feels more comfortable and natural for them. However, there are a few things to keep in mind that may help you make your decision.

For starters, it is generally considered more auspicious to wear your mala bracelet on your right wrist. This is because the right hand is associated with giving and receiving good energy and blessings. Wearing your bracelet on your left wrist may also be seen as negative or unlucky in some cultures.

Additionally, when you are meditating or engaging in other spiritual practices, it is often recommended to wear your mala bracelet on your non-dominant hand. This allows you to use your dominant hand for holding or manipulating objects without having to worry about disrupting the energy of your bracelet. Ultimately, the best way to decide which wrist to wear your mala bracelet on is by listening to what feels right for you.

There is no correct or incorrect answer – go with whichever option feels most comfortable and natural for you!

Why There are 28 Beads in Mala?

A mala is a string of beads used for prayer and meditation. There are typically 108 beads on a mala, but there can also be fewer. The number 28 is significant in many cultures and religions, so it’s not surprising that some malas have this number of beads.

There are 28 days in the lunar cycle, and 28 is also a sacred number in Hinduism. In the Vedas, the most ancient of Hindu texts, 28 is said to be the perfect number. It’s also the number of chapters in the Bhagavad Gita, one of Hinduism’s holiest books.

In Buddhism, there are 28 Buddhas in each kalpa, or age. A kalpa is like a day in the life of Brahma, who is the creator god in Hinduism. Each kalpa lasts for 4.32 billion years!

So, Buddhists believe that there have been countless Buddhas throughout time. The significance of the number 28 varies from culture to culture and religion to religion. But it’s clear that this number has great meaning for many people around the world.

Why Do Malas Have 108 Beads?

Malas are often used in meditation and prayer, and the number 108 is considered sacred in many Eastern religions. There are said to be 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra, and 108Upanishads, which are texts containing spiritual teachings. Additionally, 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

Some say that malas with 108 beads can help practitioners keep track of their mantra repetitions more easily than those with fewer beads. Others believe that the number of beads has more symbolic meaning than practical value. Whatever the reason, using a mala with 108 beads is a centuries-old tradition that continues to be popular among meditators today.

How to use a Wrist Mala – 27 Bead Mantra with any Bracelet

21 Bead Mala Bracelet Meaning

A mala is a string of beads that is used in meditation. The 21 bead mala bracelet is a type of mala that has 21 beads on it. This type of mala is often used by beginners because it is easy to use and count.

The meaning of the 21 bead mala bracelet varies depending on who you ask. Some people believe that each bead represents a different quality or attribute that you want to develop in your life. Others believe that the 21 beads represent the 21 days it takes to form a new habit.

No matter what the meaning is, wearing a 21 bead mala bracelet can be a helpful way to stay focused during meditation.


This blog post is about how many beads are on a mala bracelet. The author states that there are 108 beads on a mala bracelet, and that this number is significant because it is a holy number in Buddhism. The author goes on to explain the symbolism of the different parts of the mala bracelet, and how each bead represents a different aspect of the Buddhist faith.

In conclusion, the author states that wearing a mala bracelet is a way to show respect for the religion, and to keep oneself mindful of the principles of Buddhism.

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