1. Separate a small section of hair. 2. Take a bobby pin and open it up so that the two ends are sticking out. 3. Place the bobby pin in the hair, close to the scalp.

4. Wrap the hair around the bobby pin, making sure to go over the beads. 5. Secure the bobby pin in place by closing it back up.

  • Gather the supplies you will need: beads, bobby pins, and scissors
  • Decide how many beads you want in your hair and select that number of beads
  • Cut a small piece of thread or fishing line and tie a knot at one end
  • String the beads onto the thread or fishing line
  • Tie another knot at the other end of the thread or fishing line to secure the beads in place
  • Find a section of hair where you want to place the beads and slide a bobby pin into the hair so that the open end faces up
  • Place the thread or fishing line with beads over the bobby pin and pull down so that the bead hangs from the bobby pin like a charm on a bracelet
  • 8 Repeat steps 6-8 until all desired sections of hair have been adorned with beads

How to Put Beads in Your Hair With a Beader

If you’re looking to add a little extra flair to your hairstyle, beads are a great way to do it! You can purchase hair beaders at most beauty supply stores, and they come in a variety of colors and sizes. Here’s how to use them:

1. Start with clean, dry hair. If your hair is oily, you may want to shampoo it first. 2. Decide where you want the beads to go.

They can be scattered throughout your hair or clustered in one area. 3. Open the beader and slide it onto a strand of hair. 4. Gently squeeze the beader closed so that it grips the hair securely.

Repeat until all desired beads are in place.

How to Put Beads in Straight Hair

If you have straight hair and want to add beads for a bit of decoration, there are a few ways to do it. The easiest way is to simply thread the beads onto a strand of hair. This works best with small beads that have a large hole.

If your beads are too big or have a small hole, you can try using a needle and thread to string them onto the hair. Once you’ve got the hang of it, it’s really not that difficult! Another option is to use elastics to secure the beads in place.

Simply tie an elastic around the bead and then loop it through the hair. You can do this with as many or as few beads as you like – it’s totally up to you! Whichever method you choose, adding beads to your straight hair is a great way to switch up your look and add some fun flair!

How to Put Beads in Hair Without Beader

If you’re looking to add a touch of sparkle and personality to your hairstyle, beads are a great way to do it! But if you don’t have a beader, don’t worry – there are plenty of other ways to get the job done. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to put beads in hair without a beader:

1. Start with clean, dry hair. If your hair is dirty or oily, the beads will have trouble staying in place. 2. Decide which section of hair you want to bead.

You can bead all of your hair, just the ends, or even just a few strands near your face. 3. Gather your supplies. In addition to beads, you’ll need somethingto thread them onto (like dental floss or fishing line) and scissors.

4. Cut a length of threading material and tie one end into a small loop. This will make it easier to feed the beads onto the thread later on. 5Thread the other end of the material through the first bead, then double back and tie it off so that the bead is secure on the thread.

. Continue adding beads until you’ve reached your desired length..

If you’re using multiple colors, feel free to mix them up however you like! 6Once all of your beads are strung onto the threading material, carefully pull both ends of the material through an existing strand of hair near where you want your new necklace/bracelet/hairstyleto sit..

Cross the two ends over each other and tie them tightly together so that they stay in place.. Trim any excess material away and voila – you’ve got yourself a beautiful new accessory!

How to Put Beads on Hair Without Rubber Bands

Do you want to add beads to your hair without having to use rubber bands? If so, then you’ll be happy to know that there are a few different ways that you can do this! Here are three methods for how to put beads on hair without rubber bands:

1. Use bobby pins: This is probably the easiest way to add beads to your hair without using rubber bands. Simply take a few bobby pins and thread them through the holes of the beads. Then, carefully insert the bobby pins into your hair (near the roots) and voila – your beads will stay in place!

2. Use temporary adhesive: Another option is to use a temporary adhesive like hairspray or double-sided tape. Simply apply some of the adhesive onto the back of the bead and then press it into place in your hair. The downside of this method is that it may not be as secure as using bobby pins, but it’s still worth a try!

3. Sew them in: If you’re feeling extra crafty, you can even sew the beads into your hair! This method is definitely more time-consuming than the others, but it will result in a very secure hold. First, thread a needle with some strong thread or fishing line.

Then, poke the needle through one side of the bead and out through the other side. Next, insert the needle into a small section of your hair and come back up through another strand about ½ inch away from where you first inserted it. Continue sewing the bead securely into place by going back and forth between strands of hair until you’re satisfied with its placement.

How to Put Beads in Your Hair White Girl

If you’re looking to add a little bit of flair to your hairstyle, beads are a great way to do it! While they’re often associated with bohemian or festival styles, beads can be added to any type of hair for a touch of fun and personality. If you’re not sure how to put beads in your hair, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.

Read on for our step-by-step guide on how to bead your hair like a pro! Start with clean, dry hair. Whether you have straight or curly hair, it’s important to start with clean locks that are free of any products.

This will help the beads grip better and stay in place all day long. If your hair is particularly dirty or greasy, you may want to shampoo it twice to make sure it’s completely clean before proceeding. Once your hair is clean, comb it through to detangle any knots.

Then, decide where you want to place your beads. You can string them along the length of your hair, create patterns or designs, or just add a few here and there for a touch of whimsy – it’s up to you! Once you’ve decided where you want the beads to go, use a small sectioning comb or your fingers to gather small sections of hair.

Thread the bead onto the sectioned strand of hair. To do this, hold the bead in one hand and use the other hand to push the strand of hair through the hole in the bead until it comes out the other side. If you’re having trouble getting started, try dampening the end of the strand with water – this will help it slide through more easily.

How to Put Beads in Hair With Bobby Pin

Credit: honestlywtf.com

How Do You Easily Put Beads in Hair?

One of the easiest ways to put beads in hair is to use a needle and thread. First, thread the needle with a long piece of thread. Next, tie a knot at the end of the thread.

Then, start stringing the beads onto the thread. Once all of the beads are on the thread, tie another knot at the end of the thread to secure them in place. Finally, cut off any excess thread.

Another easy way to put beads in hair is to use a bead weaving loom. First, choose the size loom you need based on how many beads you want to use and how wide you want your design to be. Next, set up your loom according to instructions.

Then, start stringing your beads onto each warp strand. Once all of your beads are in place, finish off your project according to instructions. You can also put beads in hair without using a needle or loom by using a crochet hook or knitting needle.

First, make a small loop at one end of your yarn or string. Then, insert your hook or needle into this loop and grab some strands of hair along with the yarn or string. Next, pull these through the loop so that you have a small ponytail-like bunch of hair with yarn or string wrapped around it close to the scalp.

Finally, start sliding beads down this yarn or string until they’re resting againstthe head just above where you made your initial loop; continue until all desired beads are in place..

How Do You Put Beads on Without a Beader?

There are a few ways to put beads on without using a beader. You can use pliers or even your fingers to help thread the beads onto the string. If you’re using thinner wire, you may be able to thread the beads directly onto it.

Otherwise, you’ll need to make a small loop at one end of the wire before beginning to add beads. Once all of the beads are on, you can finish off the end by making another small loop and connecting it to the first one.

How Do You Put Beads in Your Hair Strands?

When it comes to putting beads in your hair strands, there are a few different methods that you can use. The first method is to simply thread the bead onto the strand of hair. This works best with smaller beads.

Start by holding the bead in one hand and the strand of hair in the other. Then, use your thumb and forefinger to push the bead up the strand until it reaches the roots. The second method is similar to the first, but instead of threading the bead onto the strand, you’re going to wrap the strand around the bead.

Start by holding the bead in one hand and wrapping the strand of hair around it clockwise. Once you’ve wrapped it around a few times, use your other hand to hold onto both ends of the strand and pull tight. This will secure the bead in place.

The third method is known as braiding or cornrowing. This works best with larger beads. To start, take a small section of hair and divide it into three equal parts.

Then, begin braiding each section by crossing one over the middle and then underthe last section – just like you would do when braiding traditional plaits – only this time make sure that each time you cross a section over, you also add a bead before pulling it through so that it’s sandwiched between two strands of hair.

How Do You Put Beads on the End of Braids?

There are a few different ways that you can put beads on the end of braids, but one of the most popular methods is using a needle and thread. First, take your needle and thread it through the bead. Next, take the needle and thread it through the braid.

You will want to do this several times so that the bead is secure. Finally, tie off the thread and trim any excess.

How to Add Beads to Braids using a Bobby Pin | Entertaining Hair Tutorials and Children Lullabies


If you’re looking for a creative way to add beads to your hairstyle, try using bobby pins! This method is quick and easy, and it’s a great way to add a little bit of personality to your look. Simply thread the beads onto the bobby pins, and then use them to secure sections of hair.

You can experiment with different colors and patterns, and have fun creating unique styles that are all your own.

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