Mardi Gras beads are made of shiny, colorful plastic. Most are strung together with a metal wire that runs through the center of each bead. Some Mardi Gras beads are made into necklaces, while others are used to decorate costumes or floats.

Mardi Gras beads are more than just colorful decoration – they’re actually works of art! Each bead is handmade by skilled artisans, and no two are exactly alike. The process of making Mardi Gras beads begins with selecting the right glass.

The artisans then heat the glass until it is soft enough to shape. Once the desired shape is achieved, the bead is cooled and then dipped in a coating to give it a shiny finish. After the coating has dried, the bead is ready to be strung onto a necklace or bracelet.

And that’s how Mardi Gras beads are made!

Mardi Gras Origin

Mardi Gras is a French term meaning “Fat Tuesday”, referring to the practice of indulging in rich foods before the start of the Lenten season. The tradition of Mardi Gras dates back thousands of years to pagan celebrations of spring and fertility. In medieval Europe, it was common for people to fast during the 40 days of Lent, which began on Ash Wednesday.

To help ease the transition into this period of abstinence, many churches would hold feasts on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. These feasts became known as Mardi Gras, and eventually made their way to America with French immigrants in the 18th century. Today, Mardi Gras is celebrated all over the world, with large festivals taking place in cities like New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, and Sydney.

While each celebration has its own unique flavor, they all share a common goal: to let loose and have fun before the solemnity of Lent begins. So if you’re looking for a party this Fat Tuesday, be sure to check out your local Mardi Gras festivities!

When is Mardigras

Mardi Gras, also known as Carnival, is a festive season that occurs before the start of Lent. The main event takes place on Mardi Gras Day, which is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is a French term meaning “Fat Tuesday”, referring to the practice of eating rich foods before the fasting period of Lent.

In the United States, Mardi Gras is most commonly associated with the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Every year, thousands of people flock to New Orleans to participate in the festivities, which include parades, music, costumes, and beads. The highlight of Mardi Gras in New Orleans is undoubtedly Bourbon Street, where revelers can be seen dancing, drinking, and enjoying themselves throughout the day and into the night.

While Mardi Gras originated in France, it has been celebrated in other countries around the world for centuries. Brazil’s Carnival is one of the largest and most well-known celebrations outside of New Orleans. Carnivals are also held in many other countries including Italy, Spain, Germany, and Belgium.

Will Mardi Gras Happen in 2021

The fate of Mardi Gras 2021 is still up in the air. The pandemic has put a lot of pressure on the city of New Orleans, which typically hosts thousands of tourists for the annual event. While some people are optimistic that things will return to normal by next year, others are not so sure.

The decision ultimately lies with the city’s mayor, LaToya Cantrell. She has said that she is “cautiously optimistic” about hosting Mardi Gras next year, but she also recognizes that there are many unknowns at this point. The health and safety of everyone involved is her top priority.

If Mardi Gras does happen in 2021, it will likely look very different from years past. There may be smaller crowds and fewer parade routes. Social distancing guidelines will also need to be followed.

But even with all of these changes, it would still be a much-needed celebration after such a difficult year.


Mardigra is a holiday that is celebrated in many parts of the world. It is a day when people dress up in costumes and masks and parade through the streets. Mardigra is also known as Carnival, Fasching, or Fastnacht.

How are Mardi Gras Beads Made


Where Do Mardi Gras Beads Come From?

Mardi Gras beads are a quintessential part of the Fat Tuesday celebrations. While their exact origins are unknown, it is believed that Mardi Gras beads were first introduced in New Orleans by French settlers in the early 1800s. Today, Mardi Gras beads come in all shapes, sizes and colors.

They are typically made from plastic or glass and strung together on a string or wire. Some beaded necklaces even feature light-up elements or trinkets like doubloons (metal coins). No matter where they originate from, one thing is for sure – Mardi Gras beads are a fun and festive way to celebrate Fat Tuesday!

What Happens to All the Mardi Gras Beads?

Mardi Gras is a time for revelry, and one of the most iconic symbols of the holiday are the colorful beads that are thrown from floats during parades. But what happens to all those beads after the festivities are over? For starters, many of the beads end up as souvenirs- cherished mementos of a fun-filled day or night.

Others are recycled and reused year after year. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see Mardi Gras bead necklaces that are decades old! Some of the beads end up in the hands of local artists who repurpose them into new works of art.

And finally, a small percentage find their way into landfill sites. But there’s no need to feel guilty about throwing away your Mardi Gras beads! The vast majority of them are made from plastic, which means they can be recycled and given new life as something else entirely.

So when you’re done with your beads, make sure to recycle them so they can be enjoyed by others for years to come.

Why Do They Pass Out Beads at Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras, also known as Fat Tuesday, is a time to let loose and celebrate before the start of Lent. One of the most iconic symbols of Mardi Gras are the beads that are thrown from parade floats. But why beads?

It is thought that Mardi Gras bead throwing originated in medieval Europe when beggars would hold out their hats or cups to collect coins from passersby. As people became more generous, they started throwing food and other trinkets into the beggars’ hats. Eventually, people started stringing together these trinkets into necklaces and giving them to the beggars instead of just tossing them into their hat or cup.

The tradition made its way to New Orleans in the early 1800s with French immigrants. Beads were not originally associated with Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but they soon became a popular item to throw during parades. By 1857, glass beads were being imported from Bohemia specifically for use during Mardi Gras celebrations.

Today, you can find all sorts of beads at Mardi Gras – from simple plastic ones to ornate glass beads handmade by local artisans. No matter what form they take, these beads have become synonymous with Mardi Gras and are sure to bring good luck to anyone who catches them!

Mardi Gras:Made In China


In conclusion, Mardi Gras beads are made by hand and require a lot of time and effort. The process is long and detailed, but the end result is definitely worth it. These beautiful beads add to the festivities of Mardi Gras and make the holiday even more special.

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