How to Make Paper Beads
How to Make Paper Beads

To make paper beads, you will need some thin strips of paper, a toothpick or skewer, and some clear glue. You can use any type of paper you like, but thinner papers work best. Cut your strips of paper into small pieces, about 1-2 inches long.

Next, take a piece of paper and roll it around the toothpick or skewer until it forms a tight coil. Once all of your coils are made, apply a small amount of glue to the end of each one and allow them to dry. Once they are dry, string them together to create beautiful jewelry or decorations!

  • Gather your materials
  • You will need a sheet of paper, scissors, pencil, ruler, glue, and a toothpick or skewer
  • Cut your paper into strips
  • Use a ruler to measure and mark out 1/4-inch (6 mm) wide strips on your paper
  • Cut along the lines with scissors to create long, thin strips of paper
  • Make a triangle template
  • Fold one strip of paper in half lengthwise to create a skinny triangle shape
  • Unfold the strip and use it as a template to cut triangles out of the remaining strips of paper—you should be able to get two triangles out of each strip
  • 4 Assemble your bead design on the toothpick or skewer
  • Dip the pointy end of the triangle into glue and adhere it to the toothpick near the base, leaving about 1/2 inch (12 mm) of stick exposed at the top
  • Continue adding glued triangles to build up your desired bead shape—a teardrop or oval shape works well for beginners 5 Allow time for drying before using your beads
  • Once all your beads are assembled on toothpicks or skewers, set them aside in a safe place until the glue is completely dry

How to Make Paper Beads Look Like Glass

Making paper beads look like glass is not as difficult as it may seem. The first step is to choose the right type of paper. A thin, translucent paper will work best.

You can find this type of paper at most craft stores. Once you have your paper, cut it into strips that are about 1/4 inch wide. Then, use a hole punch to make a small hole in one end of each strip.

Now it’s time to start rolling your beads! To do this, simply thread the strip of paper through the hole punch and then begin rolling it up from the opposite end. Once you’ve rolled the entire strip into a bead, glue the end down with a bit of clear glue or tape.

Repeat this process until you have all the beads you need. Once they’re all dry, string them onto some jewelry wire or thread and enjoy your new DIY glass beads!

How to Make African Paper Beads

Looking for a fun and easy craft to do with the kids? Why not try making African paper beads! This simple project is perfect for all ages and can be done with just a few materials.

To make your own African paper beads, you will need: -Paper (we used cardstock, but construction paper would work too) -Scissors

-Pencil or pen -Ruler or measuring tape -String or yarn

-Glue (optional) First, cut your paper into strips that are about 1 inch wide and 8 inches long. You can make them longer or shorter if you’d like, but we found this size to be ideal.

Next, use your pencil or pen to draw a line down the center of each strip. This will be your guide for rolling the beads. Now it’s time to start rolling!

Begin at one end of the strip and roll it tightly around itself until you reach the other end. Once you get to the end, glue it shut (this step is optional). Continue this process until all of your strips are rolled into beads.

String your beads onto string or yarn, knotting between each one to keep them in place. And that’s it!

3 Techniques in Making Paper Beads

Paper beads are a great way to add a personal touch to your jewelry or craft projects. You can make them from any kind of paper, including recycled materials like magazines and wrapping paper. Best of all, they’re very easy to make!

Here are three simple techniques for making your own paper beads: 1. The Rolled Bead Method This is the most basic method for making paper beads.

To start, cut a strip of paper about 1/2 inch wide and as long as you want your bead to be. Fold the strip in half lengthwise, then use a toothpick or other sharp object to make a small hole near the top end of the fold. Now begin rolling the strip of paper around the toothpick until you reach the other end.

Gently slide the bead off of the toothpick and glue it shut. Trim any excess paper from around the edges of your bead, then repeat this process until you have enough beads for your project. 2. The Triangle Bead Method

This method is similar to the rolled bead method, but produces beads with triangular facets instead of round ones. To start, cut a triangle out of thin cardstock or construction paper. The base of your triangle should be about 1/2 inch wide (the same width as your strips for rolled beads) and as long as you want your bead to be.

Make sure that one point of your triangle is nice and sharp – this will be important later on! now take one corner at a time folding into center so all 3 meet , once again poke hole with something sharp . Now take opposite side corner and do same thing , keep going until u have what looks like an accordion type shape ,( I used 2 pieces tapered together at one end just slightly )now gently twist into shape holding both ends firmly between thumb & first 2 fingers while twisting , when satisfied with shape carefully remove tape if using .

Next step is stringing I used fishing line doubled over & knotted at each end leaving long tails , thread through middle starting at bottom going up through all layers being careful not squeeze too tight or it will flatten out some what , continue threading up through all layers til you get close top edge where pointy part is sticking out some what .

How to Make Paper Beads Waterproof

One of the most common questions I get asked is how to make paper beads waterproof. There are a few different ways that you can do this, and the method you choose will depend on what type of paper bead you are making. If you are using regular printer paper or construction paper, you can simply coat your beads with a layer of clear nail polish or mod podge.

Once the bead is dry, it will be waterproof. If you want to take an extra step to make sure your beads are really waterproof, you can dip them in a mixture of equal parts water and white glue. This will create a sort of sealant around the bead that will protect it from moisture.

Just be sure to let the beads dry completely before stringing them together! Another option for making waterproof paper beads is to use waxed paper. You can buy sheets of waxed paper at most craft stores, or even online.

To use waxed paper, simply trace your desired bead shape onto the waxed side of the sheet and cut out with scissors. Then, roll up the waxed paper tightly around a pencil or skewer until it forms a tube shape. Secure the end with a bit of glue and voila – you have a waterproof paper bead!

Paper Bead Roller

A paper bead roller is a tool that helps you roll strips of paper into beads. It consists of a handle, two rollers, and a guide. The guide helps you keep the strip of paper in place as you roll it into a bead.

Paper bead rolling is a great way to make your own beads for jewelry or other crafts. It’s quick and easy, and you can use any kind of paper you like. You can even recycle old newspapers or magazines into beautiful beads!

To use a paper bead roller, start by cutting your paper into strips. The width of the strip will determine the size of the bead, so cut them to whatever width you want. Then thread the strip through the guide on the roller and hold it in place with one hand while you turn the handle with the other.

As you turn the handle, the rollers will twist the paper and shape it into a bead. Once you’ve rolled the entire strip, slide the bead off of the end and repeat with more strips until you have enough beads for your project.

How to Make Round Paper Beads

Paper beads are a great way to add a personal touch to your jewelry. They can be made from all sorts of paper, including old newspapers, magazines, and even wrapping paper. Best of all, they’re very easy to make!

Here’s how: 1. Start by cutting your paper into strips that are about 1/4 inch wide. The length of the strips will depend on the size bead you want to make.

For example, if you want to make a small bead, you’ll need a strip that’s about 4 inches long. For a medium bead, cut your strip to 6 inches, and for a large bead, make it 8 inches long. 2. Once you have your strips cut, roll them up tightly into balls.

Make sure that the ball is as round as possible so that your bead will be nice and smooth once it’s finished. 3. Now it’s time to add some glue! Put a dollop of glue onto one end of the ball and begin rolling it between your fingers until the entire surface is covered with glue.

You don’t want to skimp on the glue here – otherwise, your bead may fall apart later on. 4. The next step is optional, but it will give your beads a nice shine once they’re finished: Dip the glued end of the ball into some clear nail polish or other clear coating agent before proceeding to the next step. This will help seal in the glue and give the bead a nice glossy finish.

5 . Once your beads are coated with glue (and optionally nail polish), it’s time to let them dry . Hang them up on some string or wire so that they can air-dry thoroughly – this usually takes 24 hours or so .

And that’s it – once they’re dry , you’ve got beautiful handmade paper beads !

How to Make Paper Beads Bracelet

Making paper beads is a fun and easy way to add a personal touch to your jewelry. You can make them out of any type of paper, from construction paper to old magazines. The beads can be any size or shape you want, so get creative!

Here’s how to make your own paper bead bracelet: 1. Cut strips of paper into desired bead sizes. Make sure they’re all the same width so they’ll fit together nicely.

If you want large beads, cut the strips about 1″ wide. For smaller beads, cut them around 1/4″ wide. 2. Roll each strip of paper into a tight coil. Start at one end and roll it until it’s snug against the previous coil (this will help prevent gaps between the coils).

3. Once all your coils are rolled, thread them onto a piece of string or yarn. Space them out evenly so they don’t bunch up together. 4. Tie the ends of the string together to form a bracelet or necklace (or whatever else you want to make!).

Trim any excess string and enjoy your new piece of jewelry!

How to Make Paper Beads


How Do You Make Simple Paper Beads?

Paper beads are a fun and easy way to add color and texture to your crafting projects. You can make them from any type of paper, including recycled newspaper or magazines. Paper beads can be strung together to create jewelry, ornaments, or other decorative items.

To make paper beads, start by cutting strips of paper that are about 1/4-inch wide and 8-inches long. Then, fold the strip in half lengthwise and glue the edges together. Next, cut the strip into small triangles with rounded edges.

To give your beads a glossy finish, brush them with a layer of Mod Podge or clear nail polish. Finally, string your beads on a piece of thread or fishing line and enjoy!

What Do You Need to Make Paper Beads?

To make paper beads, you will need: -Paper -Scissors

-Tape -Pencil or pen -Ruler or measuring tape

-A needle and thread (optional) Start by cutting your paper into strips. The width of the strips will determine the size of your beads, so cut them to whatever size you want.

Once all your strips are cut, use a pencil or pen to roll each one into a bead. To do this, simply start at one end of the strip and begin rolling it towards the other end. Once you reach the end, secure the bead with a piece of tape.

Repeat this process until all your strips have been turned into beads. If you want to string them together to make a necklace or bracelet, thread a needle and string them up!

How Do You Cut Paper for Paper Beads?

Paper beads are a beautiful and unique way to add a personal touch to your jewelry. Making paper beads is also a great way to recycle old newspapers, magazines, or wrapping paper. The best part about paper beads is that they can be made in any color or pattern you can imagine!

To make paper beads, you will need: -A sharp knife or scissors -Paper (wrapping paper, magazine pages, etc.)

-A pencil or pen -A toothpick or skewer -Glue (optional)

-Clear varnish or polyurethane (optional) 1. Start by cutting your paper into strips that are approximately 1/4” wide and 6” long. If you want your beads to be a certain size, you can cut the strips to the desired length.

2. Next, use a pencil or pen to roll the strip of paper tightly around itself. You can make the bead as tight or loose as you like – just keep in mind that tighter beads will be more difficult to thread onto string or wire later on. 3. Once you have rolled the entire strip into a bead, dip the end of a toothpick or skewer into glue and insert it into the hole at one end of the bead.

This will help secure the bead and prevent it from unraveling. Allow the glue to dry completely before moving on to the next step. 4.(Optional) To give your beads a glossy finish and make them more durable, brush them with clear varnish or polyurethane once they are completely dry.

How Do You Make Round Paper Beads Easy?

Paper beads are a fun and easy craft that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. They are also a great way to recycle paper that would otherwise end up in the trash. Making round paper beads is easy and only requires a few supplies.

To make round paper beads, you will need: -Paper (recycled newspapers or magazines work well) -Scissors

-Ruler or measuring tape -Pencil or pen -Glue (any kind will do)

-String or thread (optional) First, cut your paper into strips that are about 1/4 inch wide and 6 inches long. If you want your beads to be a certain size, you can use a ruler or measuring tape to make sure your strips are all the same width.

Once you have cut all of your strips, use a pencil or pen to roll each one into a tight coil. Apply glue to the end of each strip to hold it in place, then allow the coils to dry for at least an hour. To turn your coils into beads, simply thread them onto string or thread, leaving about 1/2 inch between each bead.

You can make your beads as close together or as far apart on the string as you like. Once they are all strung, trim any excess string and enjoy your beautiful new handmade jewelry!

How to make GORGEOUS FANCY PAPER BEADS, learn all the BEST HACKS now!


This blog post was very informative and taught the reader how to make paper beads. The author did a great job of explaining each step in the process and providing pictures to illustrate the steps. By following the instructions in this blog post, anyone can make their own beautiful paper beads.

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